ARN Group's July 1st Party Member Meeting was Held, Chairman Pan Yixin Delivered an Important Speech

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On the afternoon of July 1st, on the occasion of the 99th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party, ARN Group held a new party member oath and party members and managers learning meeting. The meeting was grandly held in meeting room 1 of ATG. The bright and dazzling party flags and the splendid party constitution set up the rostrum. In the cheerful welcome song, the participants entered the venue.

At 2:00 pm, the conference kicked off in the majestic national anthem. Representatives of the group's retired cadres, party members of all branches and representatives of middle-level and above management personnel, and representatives of democratic parties attended the meeting. Group Chairman Pan Yixin, Party Committee Secretary Cao Lixin, Party Committee Members Liu Tongqing, Kai Bolin, Cai Xiangdong, Zhu Huashan attended the meeting and took a seat on the rostrum. The meeting was chaired by Party Secretary Cao Lixin.

Cai Xiangdong, deputy secretary of the party committee, led 16 new party members to take the oath of joining the party. "Be loyal to the party, work actively, lifelong fight for communism, be ready to sacrifice everything for the party and the people, and never betray the party." The oath vowed to resound throughout the venue, and the atmosphere of the whole venue looked solemn and solemn.

Party committee member Liu Tongqing read the commendation decision of "Group Advanced Party Branch and Excellent Party Members in 2020". Awarded the ATG Manufacturing Second Party Branch, ATP Party Branch, and New Business Party Branch as the "Advanced Party Branch" in 2019; awarded 18 comrades Wan Xiaolan, Hu Ping, Cheng Jiufeng, Yao Chao, Yang Shanping, Wang Fubing, Yan Ke, Zhou Zhiqi, Wang Hongqing, Liu Wei, Qian Shengwei, Li Xiaoming, Wu Minming, Wang Mei, Tang Kun, Jiao Jiandong, Feng Minming, and Cheng Chuanfeng as 2019 "Excellent Party Members". The award-winning party branch and representatives of outstanding party members received the commendation and took a group photo with the award-giving leaders. The venue was filled with a festive and warm atmosphere.

The representative of the outstanding party member Cheng Chuanfeng spoke about all the ARN people's adherence to the dream and continuous exploration under the leadership of the group, and ushered in the dawn of hope for the group's new energy enterprise.

Chairman Pan Yixin delivered an important speech. Mr. Pan first congratulated the comrades who newly joined the party and the units and individuals who had received excellent commendations, and thanked them for their hard work in the development of the group. Especially in this year when the epidemic situation is very serious, the majority of party members and cadres unite all employees, work together, overcome difficulties, and grasp the epidemic prevention and control on the one hand, and the production and operation on the other hand, and achieved overall higher-than-expected results in the first half of the year. Afterwards, Mr. Pan conducted an in-depth and detailed analysis of the operation and future development of the Group's traditional products, Xi'an Samsung Battery and the three major sectors of emerging companies in recent years: Traditional products must be unswervingly stabilized as the industry leader, strive for excellence, perfection, and maintain At the same time of quality and technical advantages, with continuous cost improvement, to seize market share and expand profits, "can compete for the first, improper second"; Samsung battery, good performance in the first half of the year, exceeded expectations, later investment depends on policies, market and other factors Depends on the change, the original fixed share ratio is maintained; new enterprises, whose products are gradually entering mass production, although the scale is not as good as traditional products, but the market prospects are promising, such as new energy companies, we must cherish the current opportunities, continue to explore innovation, and let products Having been widely recognized by the market, the Group must spare no effort and do its best to ensure the protection and services of funds and manpower. Mr. Pan also talked about the cooperation with Aisin. He praised the strict standard and high-spec factory design of AAAC Company, which changed people's traditional understanding of the manufacturing industry. The future development is worth looking forward to. Cooperation in the field of multiple products and updates. On the occasion of the commemoration of the "July 1st" party membership meeting, President Pan also put forward quality requirements for party member cadres, management backbones, and technical personnel: treat their work with a sense of responsibility and do their due diligence; treat the group's business with an innovative spirit and break through the status quo, Try to change; with a progressive mentality, work hard and seek for personal and career advancement. At the end of the speech, Mr. Pan also put forward clear requirements and specific guidance on the non-productive investment audit of the Group and the improvement of the fair and just personnel system.

Mr. Pan's speech has a wide range of thoughts and open minds, which brought courage and self-confidence to the participants. Facing the future, we are confident and stride forward.

At the meeting, Secretary of the Party Committee Cao Lixin called on all branches and all party members to deeply understand the spirit of Mr. Pan's speech, and carefully implemented, solidly promoted, and high-quality completion of the chairman's opinions on strict cost control, strict financial discipline, and perfect personnel construction. The long-term requirements reassure the chairman and employees.

After the meeting, Professor Wu Jie of the Party School of the Municipal Party Committee was also invited to give lectures on the "Regulations on the Disciplinary Measures of the Chinese Communist Party" and "Government Work Reports and Situation Cognition". The participating party members and management cadres listened carefully, thought deeply, and deeply understood the leadership of the Communist Party of China. Smart decision-making and high wisdom. (Zhang Weixia)


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